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    Tebo Lodge No. 68, was chartered at a regular communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, held at St. Louis, bearing the date October 23, 1844 under the seal of the grand lodge, authorizing brothers Andrew M. Tutt as Worshipful Master; John A. Tutt, Senior. Warden; John W Williams, Junior Warden, and several others to meet and work as a lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons. This lodge met and throve till the beginning of the late civil war, which caused them to suspend labor.


    In 1866, a number of the old members and other Masons, met at their old hall, and the following is a copy of the proceedings of said meeting:


    WHEREAS, in consequence of the disturbances existing along the borders of Missouri, during the late civil war in the United States, the members of Tebo Lodge, No. 68, A. F. & A. M., were prevented from meeting and holding their regular communications, thereby forfeiting their charter of said lodge in the year 1861. The cause of these disturbances having been removed, and by virtue of a resolution of the grand lodge of Missouri, passed at its May session in May, 1866, restoring said charter, several members of said lodge met in their hall in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, on the day of August, 1866, and under the direction of Past Master John A. Pigg, of Sedalia Lodge, No. 236, the lodge was opened on the third degree in due form.


    Thereupon the following officers were duly elected to serve until the regular election fixed by the by-laws of said lodge.


G. Y. Salmon, W.M.

B. L. Quarles, S.W.

William A. Duncan, J.W.

W. H. Cock, Secretary

Reuben T. Lindsay, Treasurer

S. D. Garth, S.D.

George F. Royston, J.D.

V. O. Grant, T.


    There were present, visiting, Brothers William Settles, of Wellsville Lodge, No. 194; T.H. Dennis, Plattsmouth Lodge, No. 6; M. Zener, Newport Lodge, No. 209, Indiana; T.B. Riggins, Jefferson City Lodge, No. 23.


    The officers elect being present were duly installed with proper instructions as to their duties by Brother John A. Pigg, past master, aforesaid. There being no further business before the lodge the same was duly closed until its next regular communication.

W. H. COCK, Secretary - G. Y. SALMON, W. M.


    From that date to 1883, the lodge thrived and experienced her "high tides" and "low ebbs," as is the custom of lodges. During which time they had enrolled nearly 300 members.


    In 1872, the lodge suffered a loss of their hall; having built and furnished in good order, the second story over the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the foundation of which settled, causing the house to crumble, and rendering it unsafe to meet in. The lodge then sold their interest in the lot for a nominal sum to the church, and began rented hall room, on the southwest corner of the square.


    Clinton Lodge, No. 481 - Dispensation was granted June 24, 1874, and their charter received under date of October 13, 1874.


    Both Tebo Lodge No. 68 and Clinton Lodge No. 481 existed together in Clinton for 15 years until 1889, at which both charters were arrested. The next year, on October 15th, 1890, the two separate lodges were consolidated and a new charter was granted for Clinton Lodge #548. The first Master of Clinton Lodge #548 was J.T. Ruffin.


    On October 9th of 1924, the Grand Lodge of Missouri laid the cornerstone to the Masonic Temple that was once located just south of the Post Office on 2nd Street in Clinton. Due to the high cost of upkeep to the aging building and limited parking, the Lodge accepted a deal from the bank to build a new Masonic Temple. In 1981, Clinton Lodge #548 built and moved to its present location at 1109 East Ohio Street.


    Clinton Lodge Celebrated its 125th Anniversary on November 8th, 2015 and a Re-Dedication Ceremony was performed by members of Clinton Lodge, the Grand Master and officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Clinton Mayor, Greg Lowe presented a proclamation and declared October 15th, 2015 Masonic Day in Clinton.

Minute Books & Official Records from...

Tebo Lodge #68
Clinton Lodge #481

Tyrian Lodge #350
Montrose Lodge #408
Deepwater Lodge #562

Blairstown Lodge #557

Clinton Masonic Temple in Clinton, MO built in 1924 used to be located South of the Post Office on 2nd St.
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