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Those wishing to join are highly encouraged to visit the Lodge on stated communication nights (2nd & 4th Tuesdays). During your visit, dinner or a light snack will usually be provided, and you will have a chance to meet with Lodge members. Should you wish to further pursue a membership, a petition (application) is required.


The Petition Process


When a petition is presented to a Lodge, there are a few steps before a member is accepted:

  1. Your petition and petition fee is presented to the Lodge.
  2. The petition is read aloud during a regular Lodge meeting and members vote to create an investigation committee.
  3. The investigation committee is formed to further investigate the petitioner. During this process, members of the committee will meet with the petitioner to further determine his intentions, character, & background. Often this meeting is a casual discussion about why the petitioner would like to become a Freemason.
  4. The petition is again read aloud during a Lodge meeting, at which time the investigation committee reports its findings about the petitioner to the lodge.
  5. A final vote is taken during a Lodge meeting, where all members present are required to vote on the petition. The petitioner is then notified of the results.
  6. Should the petition be approved, the petitioner is then assigned a mentor to begin an educational process to help them better understand and prepare for the initiation process.
  7. The petitioner is schedule to receive the first degree of Freemasonry, the degree of Entered Apprentice. This initiation ceremony happens in a ceremony during a Lodge meeting.
  8. After this initiation, more education is provided to prepare for the subsequent 2nd & 3rd degrees of Freemasonry.


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