Brothers Terry and Harmer apron presentation Jan 2024
Brother Harmer and Brother Jeremy (Jay) after receiving their aprons, ciphers, and all the other necessities after finishing their...
St Johns Feast and veteran awards December 2023
Clinton Masonic Lodge #548 Clinton, MO held a St's John Feast dinner this evening at the Lodge. RWB Bubba Schillo, with the assistance of...
WM George awarded ritual award Dec 2023.
WB Caleb George accepting plaque from the Grand Lecturer for his dedication to the Craft and Ritual
Jeremy Terry & Keith Harmer, Jr 3rd degree Dec 2023
Just wanted to give a huge shout-out to those whom made the drive down for our two MM Degrees!! We had 28 brothers sign in and Lodge's...
50 year pin presented
Clinton Lodge #548, together with the Grand Lodge of Missouri, presented a 50 year pin to Brother Thomas Skaggs on Tuesday, Oct. Brother...
Clinton wins multiple awards
Clinton Lodge #548 won several awards at the 197th Grand Lodge Communication this year. The lodge was presented with the Silver Ritual...
Clinton Lodge presents donations to local police officers
Brothers from Clinton Lodge #548 are pictured presenting checks to the Clinton Police Department. On the left Brother Steve Snook is...
197th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge
Make your plans to come to Grand Lodge next week, Monday 9/24 & Tuesday 9/25 in Columbia MO. Several member of the Lodge are planning to...
Clinton #548 to host Regional School of Instruction 10/20/18
On Saturday, October 20th, 2018, Clinton Lodge #548 will host a Regional School of Instruction featuring RWB Glenn Burrows and several...
Annual Installation of Officers
Clinton Lodge held their annual installation of officers. Installing Master: RWB Bobby Smith, DDGL 21st District Installing Marshal: RWB...