Clinton Lodge to host Fundraiser Breakfast for the Clinton Schools Care Closet
Clinton Lodge #548 will be hosting a fundraiser breakfast to benefit the Clinton Schools' Care Closet on Saturday, January 20th, from 7AM...
Lodge Donates to the Esser Family
The Clinton Masonic Lodge No. 548 & Clinton Chapter #73 of the Order of the Eastern Star raised money and donated over $1,100 to the...
Regional School of Instruction
Clinton Masonic Lodge No. 548 hosted a Regional School of Instruction event on Saturday October 22nd at the Clinton Masonic Temple. We...
Rod & Reel Raffle Winner!!!
Clinton Masonic Lodge’s newly elected Worshipful Master, Clayton Radford, is shown presenting a new rod and reel to Jeremiah Burden of...
Fire & Smoke BBQ Dinner - August 20th
Click flyer to buy tickets online. #BBQRibs #Freemasonry #MasonicLodge #Fundraiser #BBQ
Slab of Ribs Saturday - June 25th
#BBQ #Fundraiser #MasonicLodge #Freemasonry #BBQRibs #Shriners
Clinton Lodge attending Cave Degree
Members of Clinton Lodge #548 attending a special Cave Degree on Sat. March 12th in the Branson area put on by an Oklahoma Masonic Indian...
Care Packages for Troops Overseas
CLINTON MASONIC LODGE #548 raised funds in cooperation with VFW Post 1894 to send approximately 20 care boxes for the troops. The funds...
Mardi Gras Dinner set for February 27th
This Saturday night at 6pm we are having our Mardi Gras Dinner Shrimp Broil Fundraiser. This event is exclusive for Mason's and their...
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
Right Worshipful Brother, Darrin Taylor & Brother Bubba Shilo rang bells for the Salvation Army at Walmart.